8 Hour Infection Control Course
Dental assistants hired after January 1, 2010, that are not RDA’s, are required to take an 8-hour training course in Infection Control. We offer this course in conjunction with a certified 2 hour Dental Practice Act course which is also required by the Dental Board of California.
The 8 hour Infection Control course is divided into three sections, (a) 4 hours of classroom training, (b) 2 hours of laboratory/pre-clinical instruction and (c) 2 hours of clinical instruction. The classroom portion of the course is presented in a comfortable classroom setting followed by the pre-clinical and clinical portions. During the clinical portion of the 8-hour Infection Control course students will learn adequate asepsis, infection and hazard control and disposal of hazardous wastes that comply with the Dental Board’s regulations and other Federal, State and local requirements. We also cover protocols for Personal Protective Equipment, equipment and supply infection control, biohazardous waste, OSHA training requirements for dental office employees, management of training records, management of occupational exposure to blood and body fluids, infection control protocol for operatory set-up and clean-up, infection control protocol during dental treatment, disinfection, sterilization, sanitation, barrier use, surface disinfection, and responsibilities of an infection control office in a dental office.
Our California Dental Practice Act course fulfills the requirement for unlicensed dental assistants to take a one-time course in the California Dental Practice Act. Both the 8-hour Infection Control course and the Dental Practice Act course are required to receive an RDA license.